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What’s in your clothes, and who made them? How were they made, and what’s their environmental impact? What can you do to minimise their impact even more? BAM DNA is here to help you get the scoop!
We believe that information is powerful, and we want to put that power in your hands. Our customers trust us to do right by people and the planet because it’s been part of BAM’s DNA from the get-go. But for the fashion industry as a whole to make a real change, we all need to be more transparent. We’re sharing the story behind every item and giving you the lowdown on how you can help shape its future.
Now you can see who made your clothes at every stage of the process.
We carefully consider everything, from the crop or raw material your garment is made from, to every process that it goes through. Now you can see which raw material or fibre went into your product and why we chose it. You can see who made the fibres into yarn, then fabric, then finally who stitched your item of clothing.
We can share this with you because we’ve been mapping our supply chain for years. We still have a few gaps (it’s an ongoing process) but where we do, we’ll highlight them and tell you what we’re doing about it.
BAM fabrics are better for the planet because we use lower impact, nature-based and recycled materials. And because we know who makes your clothes, we can work with them to reduce the impact from manufacturing.
Here’s how your garment compares to a conventionally made one:
0.0 m2 land has been farmed without pesticides
1.6 kg CO2e fewer carbon emissions have been created
24.3 litres of water saved
You’ve already made a better choice for the planet by choosing a lower impact product – hooray for you! We hope you’ll love and wear your BAM item for many years to come. In fact, one of the best things we can all do to reduce the impact of clothing, is to keep it in use for as long as possible.
We’ve been mapping our supply chain and working with Life Cycle Analysis experts Green Story to measure our impact for years. Our BAM Product DNA is powered by their new technology which is not only allowing us to make huge steps forward with our traceability and impact goals, its also enabling us to share what we know with you.
We’ve been mapping our supply chain beyond our garment factories for many years – it’s an on-going challenge as things are always changing. Until now we’ve relied on declarations and trust in our suppliers to gather this information – asking our suppliers to tell us who their suppliers are. Green Story’s system now allows us to improve our traceability by collecting and verifying the information on an individual products level.
Green Story’s industry leading platform uses the most credible data sets, specific to the production locations in our own supply chain – so as a single example, they know the efficiency of the energy grids in the exact locations where our factories are, and they take that into account when measuring the energy required to make our clothes. They also use a globally recognised standard of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology, ISO 14044, to calculate the impact of our products.
Green Story reviews greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, energy use and blue water consumption from cradle to gate (this means from the raw material through every stage up to and including cutting & sewing your clothes). They can also include primary data, so for example, if one of our suppliers invests in solar panels, we can see how that lowers our impact.
We can see exactly how much better our clothing is for the planet than conventional alternatives. But more importantly we can see where we can cut our impact further – this information drives further reductions.
Finally, we share this with you. Transparency is an essential part of reducing our impact because it lets you hold us to account and make sure we do exactly what we’ve said we would. And you can make informed choices about the clothes you wear – you can see the impact of every item of our clothing on our website.